Safe Hiding Places for Laila

Years later and Laila is still fearful of many things in her environment. She jumps if I open a cupboard door behind her without first telling her that is what I am about to do. She disappears when there are visitors and she will scatter when she hears the garbage disposal. I just stopped using it because the noise is too much for her. On the other hand, Laila sleeps through me frantically getting ready when I am running late. She does not bat an eyelid when I am riding my noisy (up on a bike stand) bike in the basement. Actually, she comes around and plays in the cat tunnels surrounding the bike. And she loves to play in enclosed areas. Whenever I open a closet door, she runs right in. I always look for her before closing any of the few doors that kitties have given me permission to close. Laila will find anything or anywhere that allows her a small space from which to view her world. The cat tunnels are truly her favorite place to hide and observe. In second place though would be empty water bottle cartons. Those shallow cardboard boxes with the plastic canopies. They are a fun alternative to a cat tunnel, especially with that wraparound sunroof. But, they are small and they are plastic. A strong plastic that a cat would not be able to claw her way out of should she get tangled up in it. They are a suffocation hazard. As much as Laila enjoys running through the occasional plastic carton, I cannot leave her alone with one. She has her fun, then it’s time to throw it out. They aren’t cat tunnels – they’re not designed that way. They are plastic. Sturdy but collapsible. As far as we’ve come with getting her to understand and feel that she is safe in her home, I cannot risk her getting balled up in plastic, afraid and unable to escape.