The Holidays Are Coming!

In a fit of proactiveness, I found the holiday decorations and checked them to see which ones could make it through another season. As you might have guessed, I received enthusiastic help with this from Bluebelle and Laila. Each bauble had to be sniffed and swatted then dragged into a cat tunnel. Per usual, we had differing thoughts on the purpose of these shiny, glittering “toys.” Like so many who live with cat companions, kitties are my first thought with every purchase. I have clothing that I know will double as bedding the moment I take it out the closet; cat tunnels I know can be scratched and chewed; and decorations that are too big to swallow or bite. Still, I wouldn’t mind if at least a couple of the holiday decorations did not have to be housed in the cat tunnels and could actually be hung. But, I know who I am dealing with. It’s that time of year when packages become playgrounds. So, keep in mind that you can create an alternate activity. Give kitties their new cat tunnels early! They will have a place of their own to play in while you open the other packages. Throw some balled-up wrapping paper into the cat tunnel with them to add a cheap, fun toy. Save your holiday purchases from scratches and bites by having a cat tunnel nearby to grab their attention.